Have you ever asked God to show you the direction He wanted you to go and then want a little more proof just to be sure you heard Him correctly. Well that was us. We were getting ready to quit our jobs, sell our new home, leave our family and friends and take our new born baby to go live in the amazon jungle as medical missionaries. We wanted to be very sure this was exactly God's perfect will and plan for our lives. So Guy and I decided to put a fleece out to God. We asked God for three items that we thought we would need if we became missionaries with HCJB. We thought if God provided these items without us telling anyone what those items were we would know we are to go. The three items were a camera and film, a stereo and a ham radio.

About 1 week later we got a letter in the mail saying we have won a prize. When I called to claim the prize I asked what we had won. I was told we had won a 35mm camera with 500 rolls of film and free developing. The next weekend we got a knock on the door from our closest friends. They were in the military and were getting transferred to another state. They said they wanted to give us a going away gift. They wanted to give us something that they already had. They said they looked all over the house and decided to give us their
stereo. They were holding it in their arms with a big bow around it. As soon as we saw the gift in their arms we knew we also would be getting transferred soon ourselves. Still we said nothing. Now it was fun to see how God was going to give us a ham radio. Only a few days later Guy gets a call from Dick Rutherford. Dick is the man that invited us to his house to have dinner and meet with missionaries from our church. He told Guy that he just received a phone call from a lady in our church that had recently become a widow. She said her husband had a ham radio and she knew he wanted it to go to a missionary. Dick told the lady that he knew of the perfect person to give it to. You guessed it, us!!!! ALL THREE ITEMS in two weeks time.
There was no denying the direction God was leading us.
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