On April 2, 1980 Jason Michael Walden was born. I remember hoping our child would be born on his or her due date. And my hoping turned to reality. On April 2, we woke up and right away I started feeling like we needed to call the doctor. We were told to go to the hospital. Our bags were packed with all the items we were told from our pre-natal class that we would need during labor. Some of those items were socks, tennis ball (for back pain), an item to focus on and I don't remember what that was but I do remember focusing on the clock in front of my bed. Also last but very much not least we needed the certificate that Guy went to the pre-natal classes or he would not be able to be in the labor and delivery room with me. Back in the day that's how it was done. This was also back in the day when the epidural was not yet being used. Plus I wanted to do it all natural. No drugs!! I am very sensitive to all drugs and found out that day that I am allergic to pitocin which is a drug to help start contractions. After a few drops of pitocin I then had a 8 minute contraction. I know that for sure because as I mentioned my focal point was the clock. When the time came I pushed for 2 hours and the doctor decided to put me under and deliver the baby with forceps. Both Jason and Mommy looked like we had been in a fight and lost. The whites of my eyes were red because all the blood vessels in my eyes popped when I was pushing. And Jason shoulder was hurt from the forceps. After you hear how much Jason weighed at birth all these events will make sense. He weighed 10 lbs. 13 oz. And 21 inches long. Our little HULK was born!!!!!! It is true that the pain is forgotten the moment you hold your beautiful baby in your arms for the first time. Being as I was a first time Mom, I didn't realize that Jason's weight was that unusual until I put him in his newborn outfit to go home from the hospital and it was to small. The first 3 pictures were taken when Jason was 8 days old.

Life does not get any better than these moments.
Bless your heart. That is a big baby! Wow! You're superwoman!