Now that we were completely sure that God has called us to become full time foreign missionaries in Ecuador with HCJB it is preparation time. First, we wanted to learn everything about HCJB while at the same time they wanted to learn everything about us. This process took several months. At the end of all their questions we were approved to be full time missionaries. At that time we were told what area we would be the best fit for. Since Guy was a paramedic on the Orlando Fire Department he would be using his education and job experience to work in the jungle as a medical missionary. Since Ecuador did not have paramedics the country gave Guy the closest job description to a paramedic which was a doctor. Which was pretty cool. We were told that we now needed to raise support before we could go. They told us that usually takes about 1 1/2 to 2 years. God provided our support in 3 months from 2 churches. That alone is a miracle. The next step would be that we would have to first live in Costa Rica for 8 months while we attended language school to learn Spanish. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. After language school we would be on our way to our new home in the Amazon Jungle.
I need to pause a moment and share my thoughts on living in the jungle. This decision was a process. We were first told we were going to live in the capital of Ecuador which is Quito. I thought to myself Quito would be fine but no way would I want to live in the mountain area. Then the mission called us and said they didn't need us anymore in Quito. They now need us in the mountain area. After thinking about it I thought the mountains would be OK because there are no snakes in the mountains but for sure no way would I want to live in the jungle area I thought to myself. Then the mission called and told us they didn't need us in the mountain area they now need us in the jungle. I then said Lord I'm not going to say no way anymore to anymore locations. If I kept this up I would be living WITH the tribes in a hut.

During this time period I was excited about our adventure and how God was showing us so clearly the next step to take by faith. During all this time I was being a new mom and enjoying it so much. We were enjoying all the first of our first child. 1st Christmas, 1st Birthday, 1st haircut. But in my heart I would have fear and doubt. Would Jason be safe living in the jungle? Would we get bitten by a snake? I don't like snakes at all. I knew that sudden fear is not of God and I knew that I would rather be in the jungle in the center of God's Will then to be anywhere else out of God's Will.

I'm sure you have been asking yourself. What is HCJB and what does it stand for. HCJB are the call letters for the first radio station in Quito, Ecuador. It stands for Heralding Christ Jesus Blessings. The mission of HCJB is to reach the world with the gospel through (at that time) short wave radio. At that time short wave radio was the most up to date technology. Short wave radio could go where missionaries were not allowed to go. Along with radio, the mission also had 2 hospitals. One in Quito and the other in Shell, Ecuador. We were going to work out of the one in Shell. If you are interested in learning more about HCJB you can go to their website www.hcjb.org The picture above is of Guy, myself and Clarence Jones. He is the man who started the mission organization HCJB. It was very cool to meet him after reading his book "Come Up To This Mountain".
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