It was time to get on a plane and leave the only home I had ever known knowing that we would not be back for at least 4 years. Everything had been done that needed to be done. Even our house sold the night before we left. The goodbyes were said by our family and friends. Our stuff was packed and had already been shipped to our new home in Costa Rica. I really had no idea what our life would be like from this point forward. Neither one of us had ever been out of the country before. I was very surprised with myself about how calm and peaceful I felt when driving to the airport. Everything was good until the wheels of our plane lifted off American soil and at that moment I missed my country and longed for the day we would return. This was one of those moments and there were many more that if you didn't have a strong assurance that God had called you to go that it would be so easy to quit.
When we arrived in Costa Rica there was a sweet couple that met us at the airport to take us to our new home for the next 8 months. They gave us a tour around the city and I immediately fell in love with San Jose. As soon as I saw a McDonalds I knew I would be fine. Our home was located in San Fransico De Dos Rios. This was the area where all the missionaries from all denominations lived while they attended language school.

We shared a duplex with another missionary family. Their names were Jim and Viola. They were with the southern baptist and were assigned to go to Central America after language school. Our duplex was centered in between a chinese restaurant and a bakery. It didn't take long at all before we felt at home.
Guy and I couldn't wait to get out with Jason and start exploring the city after having a much needed good night sleep. I wish I could say we got a good night sleep but we were awaken by cannon's going off which we later found out was the Catholic Church. It took some time getting used to our new strange noises in the neighborhood.
Goodnight and in retrospect we'll talk again soon.
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